Top 10 Biggest Events of the Second Punic War

Biggest Events of the Second Punic Wa

…triple line with 4,000 cavalry on the side. Hannibal, on the other hand, had a mixture of African, Celtic, and Spanish infantry, 10,000 cavalry, and his notoriously efficient war elephants…

Top 19 Fascinating Facts about the Roman Emperors

Fascinating Facts about the Roman Emperors

…BC, and the last was Romulus Augustulus whose reign ended in 476 AD. Roman sovereigns often took titles like “Augustus,” “Caesar,” and “Imperator” to stress their importance. In 27 BC,…

Top 10 Most Popular Ancient Egyptian Foods

Most Popular Ancient Egyptian Foods

…as meat and bread. Onions, garlic, leeks, lentils, cabbage, radishes, turnips, legumes, and cucumbers were among the most popular vegetables to be grown and consumed. 7. Fruit Again, since a…

Top 10 Ancient Roman Foods and Drinks

Ancient Roman Foods and Drinks

…was ready to serve. They also used a wide range of spices such as pine kernels, leeks, celery seeds, parsley, capons, dried mint, safflower, coriander, dates, honey, vinegar, and broth…

Top 12 Ancient Greek Sculptures

Ancient Greek Sculptures

Yassou! Ancient Greek civilization is divided into four major parts: the Archaic period, the Classical period, the Golden Age of Athens, and the last Classical period. Of these four periods,…

Top 12 Contributions of Archimedes

Contributions of Archimedes

and theories in the fields of motion, geometry, liquid motion, and more. “Eureka!” was the word he shouted when he made a new discovery, some of which are listed below:…

Top 10 Praised Hindu Gods

Top 10 Hindu Gods

…considered his role as the commander-in-chief to be more important. His vehicle is the peacock. 6. Krishna Krishna, also known by the names Shri Krishna, Vasudeva, Govinda, Gopal, and Madhusudan,…

Top 12 Fascinating Facts about Ancient Mesopotamia

Facts about Ancient Mesopotamia

…Their kingdom consisted of many prominent cities at strategic locations to facilitate trade and commerce such as Eridu, Nippur, Lagash, Uruk, Kish, and Ur. There was no centralized government, and

Top 10 Traditional Ancient Chinese Foods

Traditional Ancient Chinese Foods

…the origin of sorghum.” 7. Meat (Pork, Beef, and Chicken) Pork is the most commonly consumed meat in China, among other kinds such as beef, mutton, chicken, duck, pigeon, etc….

Top 12 Most Famous People in Ancient India

Most Famous People in Ancient India

…very early age of 13, conquering states in the northern, western and eastern districts, particularly Punjab, Delhi, Agra, Rajputana, Gujarat, Bengal, Kabul, Kandahar, and Baluchistan, to bring the majority of…

Top 9 Greatest Warrior Women of the Ancient World

Greatest Warrior Women of the Ancient World

…She torched the Roman settlements of Camulodunum, Verulamium, and Londonium (present-day Colchester, St Albans, and London), and is said to have butchered 70,000 people in one battle alone. Eventually, the…

Top 10 Ancient Roman Gods

Ancient Roman Gods

…17 every year. This mid-winter festival was known as Saturnalia, and it lasted for about seven days. It was a time of feasting, role reversals, gift-giving, free speech, and revelry….

Top 12 of Rome’s Greatest Battles

Romes Greatest Battles

…Rome’s first civil war. 9. Roman–Parthian War This war, between the Roman Republic, the Roman Empire, and the Parthian Empire, took place between 66 BC and 217 AD. It also…

Top 10 Most Famous People of Egypt

Most Famous People of Egypt

…to thrive. During her reign, there were silver, copper, and other metal coins with her image engraved on them, but no gold coins. After she committed suicide, her children were…

Top 10 Marvelous Types of Ancient Chinese Art

Marvelous Types of Ancient Chinese Art

…poetry includes the three basic elements known as shi, ci, and qu. During the Han dynasty, yuefu, a style of folk poetry became popular. During the Six Dynasties (220–589 AD),…

Top 10 Things You Should Know About the Ice Age

Things You Should Know About the Ice Age

…unprecedented scale that even regions around the equator had massive glaciers. In fact, globally, the average temperature was below -30°C, even colder than present-day Antarctica. During this time, only sea…

Top 14 Decisive Ancient Battles in History

Ancient Battles in History

…Metaurus River, Marche, present-day Italy Roman Army: 7,000 soldiers (8 Roman legions plus Nero’s reinforcements of 7,000) Carthage Army: 30,000 soldiers (25,000 infantry, 5,000 cavalry, and 15 war elephants) The…

Top 12 Greatest Leaders in Ancient India

Greatest Leaders in Ancient India

…battle but were not able to capture Pratap Singh. He died on January 19, 1597, in Chavand, Mewar, at the age of 56. 11. Akbar Abu’l-Fath Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Akbar, or more…

Top 13 Interesting Facts about the Vedic Period

Vedic period

…civilized and educated. Women were treated with respect, they had access to education, and purdah (the separation of women) and sati (a widow’s sacrifice) were not prevalent.  People were guided…

Top 10 Ancient Greek Goddesses

Ancient Greek Goddesses

…– Hestia, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, and Zeus. For this reason, she is often called the mother of gods – a title far more deserving than her predecessor goddesses like Gaea…

Top 10 Hindu Goddesses

Top 10 Hindu Goddesses

…alongside her consort on Earth. Lakshmi does not only represent materialistic wealth but also glory, joy, and honor. Her vahana is the owl and also the white elephant, Airawat. 2….

Top 12 Contributions of Plato

Contributions of Plato

…elements – fire, air, water, and earth – and states that these are combined into what he calls the “body of the universe”. Out of all of Plato’s works, the…

Top 10 Sumerian Gods and Goddesses

Sumerian Gods and Goddesses

…especially honored at Isin, Larsa, and Ur. In Sumerian poetry, Damu is sometimes described as the daughter of Ninisina. 6. Ereshkigal The Sumerian expression for “universe” is an-ki, literally “heaven-earth.”…

Top 12 Worst Ancient Roman Emperors

Worst Ancient Roman Emperors

…Under their rule, the empire witnessed bloodshed, violence, and intolerance of various religions and communities. However, despite their failings, these emperors certainly contributed in many ways, not least as an…

Top 13 Fascinating Facts about Ancient Babylonia

Fascinating Facts about Ancient Babylonia

…knowledge of agricultural techniques. They grew pistachios in the royal gardens of Babylon, and elsewhere barley, peas, olives, grapes, wheat, etc. grew in abundance. 11. Religious Beliefs Marduk The Babylonians…

Top 7 Most Important Events in Ancient Persia

Important Events in Ancient Persia

…Central Asia. It also included Cappadocia, Armenia, Parthia, Aria, and Hyrcania. The empire was so named because its founder, Cyrus, was the great-great-grandson of the first Persian king, Achaemenes. When…